Experienced Boot User Report on Renegade® Hoof Boots

My hind Renegades have been used almost every weekend since January and are just now [...]

Buster’s First Trail Trial in Renegades!

Hello! I wanted to share how pleased I am with Renegades! I ordered my green [...]

Renegade® Boots at Horses Help Trail Trials at McDowell Mountain Park

I rode in the Horses Help Trail Trials at McDowell Mountain Park on March 21, [...]

German Quarter Horse Using Renegades

Greetings from Germany! My QH mare “WH Poco Jess Spotty” and I want to say [...]

Renegades Gaining Popularity in Germany

Check out these videos of several horses in Germany enjoying their Renegades.

Karen Chaton’s Eastern Mojave Scenic Ride Report

Stay tuned for more news, photos and video from this ride! Congratulations to all of [...]

Performance Barefoot Driving in Renegade® Boots by Performance Barefoot in the United Kingdom

Check out this great video of another boot user also using Renegades for performance driving.

Combined Driving: Renegade® Hoof Boots Providing Traction and Comfort

Check out this e-mail from a satisfied boot user.  Renegades aren’t just for endurance! In [...]

Jumping in Renegades!

‘FERRARI’ and Sarah Braithwaite of the U.K. enjoy the security that Renegades provide while jumping [...]

Skijoring in Renegades

An e-mail passed along by one of our Practitioner Distributors: Subject: Renegade® Ice Boots Rock! [...]