Recently there has been a lot of discussion on an online public endurance riding forum over hoof boots. We’d like to share some of the comments made by riders using Renegade® hoof boots!

Stephanie Palmer-DuRoss writes about using O-rings and toe straps:
“I double over the strap on the O rings and have no problems and do not have to change the Velcro straps for several hundred miles, even in mud and rain. On multi-day rides I just rinse the Velcro out in a bucket of water and they are ready to go. I used to use zip ties until I realized how much better it was to double over [the strap ends]. What a difference. My horse did 1360 miles in 2009. I did use Renegade® glue-ons and the strap-on boots thru out the year. I only changed my straps out once around at about 500 race miles.” — Stephanie Palmer-DuRoss & Hadji Halef Omar
Roger Rittenhouse writes about going barefoot and his success with Renegade® boots:
“I find the Renegades to be about the best. Once adjusted, they stay on. There are no rubs. I prefer the Velcro straps – as some said they will rip or pull apart if they get hung up. I carry one spare strap. I ride her in 4 boots or none.” — Roger Rittenhouse
Lynne White writes about why she likes Renegades:
“What I like about the Renegades is there are no rubbing parts. I really like the engineering and design principles of the boot itself. The heel captivator moves with the heel. One can buy replacement parts and do repairs at home. I keep a kit handy and I have at least two brand-new velcro straps with me at all times. I like the support I get from the company. They have a great website too.” — Lynne White
Naomi Preston points out why a lot of Americans like Renegades:

“I also like the Renegade® boots. PLUS, they’re made in the good ole’ USA, not China like the competitor.” — Naomi Preston
Dolores Arst talks about various boots she has used, including Renegades:
“I took the plunge to Renegades. I bought my first set of 4 and I’m thrilled with them. I have two horses in the Rengades. With one, I’ll have to have a pair of wides. So, as his feet get bigger, I use the [x].” — Dolores Arst
Becky Hackworth goes into more detail on using Renegades and her recent successful 4 day and 200 mile ride at Death Valley:

“My latest success was at the recent Death Valley Encounter (DVE). I have been there every year since 1997 except for 2005. Have now completed all 4 days 5 times on 3 different horses. This year was the easiest, boot-wise. No prep to foot/leg except to pick out and use a brush to get dirt/sand off (same as easyboots). Apply boot. Used a strap to position captivator. Fasten velcro (push it together real hard and use 2 “O” rings per strap. Repeat 3 more times.
I did not loose one boot. I did not replace/readjust one velcro strap. My horse did not have one spot of pink showing of even a pre-rub situation. We had over 32 hours of ride time in 4 days. Now that’s a test.” — Becky Hackworth
Thank you everyone for sharing your Renegade® hoof boot success stories with others!