Renegade Horse Boot: Sport OrangeIn repeated heat tests, we are seeing that the coolest Renegade® horse boot color is Sport Orange!

Even when temperatures are in the 70’s, there is a 10 to 20 degree or more difference between orange and black. When temperatures increase, so does the spread between the temperatures in boot colors.

On really hot rides, choosing a cooler-colored Renegade® horse boot can make a difference in your horse’s comfort level. We know this first hand from experiencing “hot hooves” after doing rides in extreme heat conditions with black boots. Black is the hottest color, while orange is the coolest. It does make a difference!

If your horse should come up footsore with hot feet after riding on a hot day, cool them off immediately! Heat stress has been shown to be a factor in hoof health – so get those feet cooled down and keep your horse as comfortable as possible. Using a cooler horse boot like an orange Renegade can help keep your horse’s feet comfortable while riding on trails that absorb and radiate heat.

Check back for temperature readings on all of the boot colors in the future.