Welcome to a new series to our news blog, where we will be highlighting individuals and their horse(s) who use Renegade® Hoof Boots. If you and your horse have a unique story or special accomplishments you would like to share, send an email to contact@renegadehoofboots.com — we’d love to talk with you and find out more! 

Stephanie Palmer-DuRoss
AERC (American Endurance Ride Conference) rider
Arizona; Southwest Region
14,490 miles
Competing since 1989
Using Renegade® Hoof Boots since 2007

Hadji Halef Omar
1992 Arabian gelding
10,305 miles
Over 9,000 miles in Renegade® Hoof Boots
201/204 ride completions
5 100-mile finishes (including Tevis at ages 21 and 24 and a Top Ten at Big Horn at age 23)
93 Top Ten finishes
6 Best Condition awards
33 “Pioneer” rides completed of (3 or more days of 50+ miles/day)
17 seasons in endurance
“Decade Team”

***All statistics current as of August 2017***


Stephanie calls Hadji “The Legend” and it’s a moniker that is well-earned. At age 25, he is showing no signs of slowing down, with a current ride season that has included four multi-day rides in which he completed every single day (two 3-day rides, one 4-day day, and one 5-day ride), and a finish at the Tevis Cup 100-mile ride. Stephanie writes, “Your Boots have made it possible for Hadji to continue to go down the trail safe and sound for 17 consecutive years to date.

From the News Editor: I’ve personally had the privilege of having Stephanie as one of my mentors in this sport and sharing the trail with her and Hadji. They are the very definition of an endurance team, and they both share the same joy in going down the trail, mile after mile. Stephanie is also incredibly generous in giving back to the sport — she helps put on rides in Arizona, has offered horses to riders who need one, and is always willing to stop and help a fellow rider on the trail, whether they need a spare hoof boot or help with their horse. Hadji isn’t an easy horse — I’ve seen him get really mad when he’s denied the opportunity to go out on the trail, and he and Stephanie still have debates about how fast they should be going on rides.

***All photos courtesy of Steve Bradley