Becky Hackworth (on bay, Roy) and Sue Benson (on grey, Rocky) at the Git’R’Done ride, April 2010

In my opinion, these are a far superior boot to others on the market. They are easy to put on. Easy to take off. Fewer moving parts means fewer things to break or be replaced. They do not cause any rubs on my horses, without the need for vet wrap, duct tape, special ointments or treatments to the horse before application to do a 50-mile ride. I have never had the problem of not being able to ride the next day on a multiday ride due to rubbing even with the above prep as I often did with another brand. I am back to being able to ride multiday rides this year. Not one rub or sore foot.At the Git-R-Done ride last weekend I only rode the 55 miler, but there is a lot of sand and hard-packed road. Once again, no foot soreness, and not one rub and we actually did quite a bit a cantering this ride. Not once did I loose a boot. I didn’t have a single strap failure. In fact, I didn’t touch my boots at all during this ride. All straps and boots were intact and in place when I took them off at the end of the ride.

Oh, and these were my originally purchased set of Renegade® Hoof Boots from July 2008. These boots are well over a year old. Looking it up to see because I think they are nearly 2 years old. These boots wear as well as anything on the market. They have easily over 500 miles on them. Check my record. Every competition mile has been in boots, except for the November 2009 Get R Done second day, which we did barefoot.

I will be more than happy to help anyone with boots at any ride I attend. 

Becky Hackworth

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